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We are Callander Canine Centre

Simba 2 Canine Centre.jpg
birthday boy

Happy Birthday Tommy!

birthday gang

Celebrate your dog's birthday at the CCC!

agility set up

Safe Professional Equipment

Harley Heeling

Harley loving the loose leash walking

agility set up (2)
Pivot bowl

Playing with props to help with fabulous fronts and yes, even loose leash walking

Attention, The mother of all behaviours

Attention really is the mother of all behaviours

Sanction Match Pointers

National Brussels Griffon Club of Canada All Breed Sanction Match


All breeds can do agility

Sanction Match

National Brussels Griffon Club of Canada All Breed Sanction Match

pause table

Posing for Pictures on the Pause Table

Neil and Clover

Whippets rock the bling, Clover's no exception so learns to dress himself

Simba 1

Simba tearing up the Agility tunnel


Indy masters the jumps


Indy showing the weaves are a piece of cake

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